...where Scotland's sexiest blonde blogger reveals all her past indiscretions. Could this be the real cause of global warming as blonde lovers the world over pant tons of CO2 in sweet anticipation of the next sexy episode? But wait. All this may one day have consequences as Scotland's blog template megageek Jules points out.
"I'm bored and unhappy, and doped up on St John's wort, rescue remedy and frequently also red wine. I'm silently angry.
And I'm terrified because all there is of me now is being a mother, all that made me who I am has been drained away by it. And here I don't even like it." she says. I can sympathise. I used to be a single father, which was quite a rarity in those days. It wasn't always a picnic but I enjoyed being a dad. Fucked my career up for a few years though which is one reason why I am all for women's rights. Being a mother is a full-time job and should be recognised as such by society. How many women have been turned down for a good job because their prospective employer thought they might get pregnant?
We interuppt this blog posting for a special announcement by the President of the United States on global warming. There is no cause for panic or alarm.
And here are some tips on what you can do from Edd the duck, Froggy and Mr Cow and James Lazenby. With thanks to our sponsors Sonia's media empire and the Merton Rule and R. Swipe Property Management.